Welcome to my Web site

Welcome to my website. This site is for folks who build or would like to build plastic model ships. I’ve been building ship models for many years and I still get as much enjoyment from the hobby as I did when I started. If you are an occasional modeler, serious modeler or if you’ve been away from the hobby for awhile and are coming back, I think you will enjoy this site.

I chose Revells’ Cutty Sark as the launch project because there are a large number of these kits out there in closets, attics and modelers collections, waiting to be built. Also, this kit builds into a pretty impressive ship model, no matter where the modelers’ skill level is.

The plan is for this site to grow over time, featuring a different model about every month. Previous models will be archived for reference and new visitors to the site. As you may have already noticed, this site is written in a blog foremat with the latest post on top and previous posts in decending order. I hope that modelers will find this website enjoyable and useful and will visit often……………..John


This is a project that I’ve had on the back burner for quite some time now. I bought this kit form a coworker for 20 bucks about 5 or 6 years ago and it has languished on the shelf for most of that time. The Revell Cutty Sark kit has been around for decades. I don’t know how many but I’m in my 50’s and it’s been available since the 70’s at least. That’s over 30 years! It’s anyone’s guess how many kits have been purchased and are sitting around waiting to be built, but judging by how many are available on eBay, it’s quite a few. Anyway, I build a lot of models and have finally got around to this one so it’s time to start telling the story.

This kit is 1/100 scale, I think. Neither the box or instructions says what the scale is. I could probably figure it out from the dimensions but who cares, I’m going to build it anyway and I’m not one of those modelers who beefs about a model being off by one or two scale inches. There is also a lot of pieces to this kit. I’m not going to count them and if you have a kit of your own you know too that there’s a lot of stuff in that box.


Bill Gardoski said...

John, I am 62 and remember when this kit was brand new. I have just started on the 1/96th Cutty Sark, and your insight and help is really helping me. Thank you for this article.
Bill Gardoski

Bill Gardoski said...

John, Thank you for this article. I am 62 and remember when this Cutty Sark kit was brand new, It is 1/96th scale and I have just started it. Your insight and comments are very helpful.
Bill gardoski

John Higgins said...

Thanks for the nice comment! Sorry I took so long to get back to you. Right now I'm taking a break from building the Sea Witch to build an airplane model for a friend. I'll be getting back to ship modeling and blogging soon I hope.....John

Unknown said...

I just wanted to tell you how pleased I was to find your site. I have built many plastic models long ago when I was much younger and recently decided to atempt building the Sea Witch. However I had forgotten all I knew about painting. I am most appreciative for your instructions and tips. Thanks a bunch. Stan Ferrell, Raleigh NC, USA.